Buy best quality Louis Vuitton replica bags online, even the SA can't spot the difference bewteen this Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet and the anthentic one.

Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet M66540

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For those with plenty to carry – change, cards, notes – the Brazza is an excellent choice. A convenient size that fits into most jacket pockets, it's also superbly stylish in Monogram canvas.

Size (L x H x D): 3.9" x 7.5" x 3.9"

-12 credit card slots
-Slot for business and ID cards
-Large zippered compartment for carrying change
-Gusseted compartment for banknotes and receipts
-Four internal patch pockets for other papers and tickets

This Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet M66540 Replica Wallet comes with: a LV dust bag and tags, authenticity card; all markings and accessories are exact

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