Buy best quality Louis Vuitton replica bags online, even the SA can't spot the difference bewteen this Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet and the anthentic one.

Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet N62665 black

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No matter how many cards or how much change, it should all fit comfortably into the Brazza. And, in turn, this beautiful Damier Graphite wallet should also fit comfortably into a jacket pocket.

Size (L x H x D): 3.9" x 7.5"

-12 credit card slots
-Slot for business and ID cards
-Large zippered compartment for carrying change
-Gusseted compartment for banknotes and receipts
-Four internal patch pockets for other papers and tickets

This Louis Vuitton Brazza Wallet N62665 black Replica Wallet comes with: a LV dust bag and tags, authenticity card; all markings and accessories are exact

More Information
CATEGORIES Damier Graphite
TYPES Long Wallets
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