Buy best quality Louis Vuitton replica bags online, even the SA can't spot the difference bewteen this Louis Vuitton Cluny BB Bag M43401 and the anthentic one.

Louis Vuitton Cluny BB Bag M43401

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The bag's pure, structured silhouette is timeless and the lively colour strap totally on-trend. The Cluny is practical as well, an ideal bag for business, with its top handle for hand or elbow carry and a removable strap for over-the-shoulder wear. A magnetic closure keeps personal effects secure in the well-organized interior pockets.
28 x 20.5 x 10.0 cm- ( length x height x width )- 1 x 8 x 4 inches
- Monogram canvas
- Microfiber lining
- Golden color metallic pieces
- Front flap with magnetic closure
- Removable strap
- Zipped inside pocket
- Double smartphone inside pocket
- 4 bottom studs

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STYLES Top Handles
material_canvas Monogram
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