Buy best quality Louis Vuitton replica bags online, even the SA can't spot the difference bewteen this Louis Vuitton SC Bags Monogram M42426 and the anthentic one.

Louis Vuitton SC Bags Monogram M42426

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Sofia Coppola's elegant interpretation of the classic Speedy and Keepall designs looks even more so in iconic Monogram canvas. Her goal was to create a chic yet roomy day bag. Mission accomplished.

Size (L x H x D): 14.3" x 9" x 7.9"

-Wide zipper closure
-Patch pocket and zippered pockets inside
-Adjustable or removable strap
-Padlock and discreet key holder
-Microfibre lining
-Golden brass pieces

This Louis Vuitton SC Bags Monogram comes with: a louis vuitton dust bag and tags, authenticity card; all markings and accessories are exact.

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material_canvas Monogram
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